mercredi 11 décembre 2019

Kill Bill Vol.3 dans trois ans?

A chaque micro tendu, la question est inévitable. Et maintenant, quels sont tes projets QT? Et ton dixième film? Tarantino a dit vouloir prendre son temps avant le 10ème long métrage et vouloir s'exprimer par d'autres biais: une pièce de théâtre, un roman et une série TV western. Ce qui devrait l'occuper pendant 2-3 ans. Mais après...

“I just had dinner with Uma Thurman last night. We were at a really cool Japanese restaurant. I do have an idea of what I would do with [‘Kill Bill Vol. 3’]. That was the whole thing, conquering the concept. What has happened to The Bride since then? And what do I want to do?”

“I didn’t just want to come up with some cockamamie adventure. [The character] doesn’t deserve that. The Bride has fought long and hard. I have an idea now that could be interesting. I still wouldn’t do it for a little bit. It would be at least three years from now. It is definitely in the cards.”

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