dimanche 2 décembre 2012

Projection Presse: les réactions sur Twitter

La presse américaine avait le privilège de découvrir Django Unchained ce week-end. Tous les superlatifs y passent. Le film reçoit un accueil dithyrambique allant de western spaghetti cruel et drôle jusqu'à meilleur film américain de l'année 2012. Tous s'accordent pour saluer la nouvelle grande performance de Christoph Waltz. Je vous mets ici quelques réactions et échanges sur Twitter:

Jeff Goldsmith ?@yogoldsmith From start to finish Django Unchained is a fantastic crowd pleaser. Smartly humorous, great action & dialogue - Definite awards contender!

Jeff Goldsmith ?@yogoldsmith Interestingly there were many nuanced changes to the leaked script-some minor, some completely new scenes plus cuts as well. Great writing!

Anne Thompson ?@akstanwyck Django unchained is super violent spaghetti western w/ anachronistic songs. waltz & jackson steal it. All talk & action. 1st screening.

Anne Thompson ?@akstanwyck Standing ovation for Tarantino at DGA. Taylor hackford doing q and a.

david ehrlich ?@davidehrlich DJANGO UNCHAINED: holy *beep* brutally hilarious spaghetti comedy does for business what Basterds did for war. Best American film of 2012.

@NoreeVictoria Ho. Ly. Crap. #DjangoUnchained! BEYOND BRILLIANT PERFORMANCES! INCREDIBLE Q&A with Mr. Tarantino himself!

D-Dub ?@silkyd67 Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino's first DGA film, is funny, crazy violent, thoroughly entertaining. Luv that Christoph Waltz

D-Dub ?@silkyd67 Django Unchained: Don Johnson needs to work more. He and Christoph Waltz together..awesome

Lou Lumenick ?@LouLumenick Just watched what was basically a three-hour homage to BLAZING SADDLES

ETA. Ouch..dont like that last tweet...

ETA: New tweets.. Julie Seureau ?@IndieJuls Really happy to have been to the advanced screening of #Django. Christoph Waltz is such an extraordinary actor. He really stole the thunder!

Julie Seureau ?@IndieJuls #Django was a great film: very bloody but also very funny. The kind of film that makes you laugh about issues you don't usually laugh at!

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